Eight Below, is a 2006 American survival drama film based on a true story. It stars Paul Walker in the leading role. The film is set in Antarctica. It tells the story of a guide at an Antarctic research base who risks his life and the lives of his colleagues to save his dogs.
Dog-Friendly Show!
We’re thrilled to invite your furry friends to their very own movie night with their hoomans! Our outdoor movies are exclusively for humans, but we’re excited to pilot this concept at this venue. Not only can you buy a ticket for yourself, but you can also snag a VID (Very Important Dog) ticket for your pup. But hurry, VID tickets are limited, and proceeds will go to African Tails.
To ensure a secure and pleasant experience for all, it is imperative to comply with the terms and conditions of this show. More specifically, dog owners are expected to exhibit consideration for other guests that attend with or without their dogs, while keeping in mind that all dogs must be well-trained and socialized, and kept on a leash no longer than two meters at all times. For further information, please consult point 12 in the following link.